Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's been awhile since I last posted due to the craziness of working 2 jobs, school full time, and planning our dream come true wedding! The wedding itself was everything I dreamt it would be from the vibrant purple and red flowers (which I thought were so beautiful), to seeing my two cousins and favorite little girl I nanny for drop rose petals as they walked down the aisle before me, and all ending with sheer love, excitement and thankfulness when I turned the corner, music playing, people standing, to see my handsome, wonderful groom dressed in black and white, teary-eyed waiting for me-his bride. We are blessed. Thankful. Overjoyed for Gods grace and plan for our marriage. That one single moment is forever treasured in my mind and heart. It's as if all time froze and I savored every single precious moment of it. The first month and half has been wonderful! We are learning the fun in cooking dinner together each night, figuring out who cleans up, or who takes out the trash. Agreeing that the toilet paper roll must be always put in so the T.P. is underside up (we both always did it that way so no fuss there) and simply enjoying coming home from a busy day of work to each other. The joy of knowing that my husband will be home at 7 pm each night warms my soul, and makes me thankful that his job currently allows him the freedom to do that. Waiting, and seeking God for that right person is so worth it in ways I'll never ever be able to describe, but Gods goodness and Grace is seen each morning I wake up next to the man I waited 22 years for. I Love Him more dearly each day. God is good and we are excited for the adventures of a lifetime to continue. Blessings and Love to you all!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Final Results are in!

My 30 days are up as a full blown vegan and I must say that the 30 days flew by pretty fast! I love the way I feel, the energy I have, and how healthy I feel! So, with that being said.......I have.......decided to.......Stay Vegan! Yes..crazy I know! But, being healthy is important and vital! I must admit that once my 30 days were up, I had a salad with a little bit of ranch, and a cupcake. It was just enough, and I felt happy and satisfied, but I also felt my body craving fruits and veggies! So, It's official: this meat, egg, and dairy loving girl who set out to disprove this whole crazy vegan thing is staying vegan. Try it..I think you will too! So, here are the stats after 30 days (I'll be getting my blood results back in a week and I'll post those then)

In 30 days:
Weight lost: 11.9 pounds
Inches lost in waist: 1.5 inches
Inches lost in thighs: 1.8 inches
Inches lost in arms: 0.8 inches

In all, I'd say the last 30 days has been a success! Now, I gotta keep this up so I'm in tip top shape for my wedding!

                            Luv, The new "official" vegan

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

IT'S DAY 30!!!!!!!!!!!

So, day 30 has finally arrived!! I made it!!! (Well..I have to do the home stretch and finish out strong today) I really can't believe I'm at day 30...these past 30 days have been filled with lots of reading and research, and I must say I have learned A LOT in this month! (I'll be sharing more on that tomorrow when I give you the details about the numbers) For one though, I have learned that taking care of your body is 90 percent mental (i.e. no, don't eat can do it..step away from the candy..or...get to the gym it's good for you!) and the other 10 percent is physically just doing it (i.e. preparing healthy meals and eating them!) I look at food in a whole new way now, and I am always trying to eat more heart healthy stuff that will nourish my body not poison it. So, here's to the last day of my 30-day challenge being a full vegan. Details with numbers, video blog, and the answer everyone keeps asking me..."Will I be staying vegan or not?" is coming tomorrow! For everyone doing the challenge with me...finish strong, and congrats!! And, to all my amazing friends and my incredible fiance, thanks for being brave and trying so many new and interesting vegan dishes with me! You all have made this past month so much fun :) 
                    Happy Tuesday and Godbless!
                             <3, Michelle

Sunday, October 9, 2011

day 28!

Feeling G-O-O-D! Day 28. Still kind of in awe how fast 28 days flew by, then again...sometimes those days were creeping right along. I celebrated today by hitting the gym getting in a 10 mile bike ride and a 2 mile speed walk (no running allowed since I tore my knee). My reward? An amazing smoothie from The Juice Bar next to the gym (another ultimate favorite hot spot of mine), and hiding out in my new favorite coffee shop and spending time reading my bible. I have found that I'm saving money from how cheap healthy food is (i.e. fresh n' easy all the way) and I'm loving that I'm always having to eat!! (About every 2 hrs) On the agenda tonight? Church and a salad from Oscars (no cheese).  BTW..come out to Rancho Community tonight. 7pm. It's pretty awesome =)
                     Keep Walkn' in His Grace, <3 Michelle

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Day 26!

Hello everyone,
It's day 26 of going vegan and things are going great! I am officially in love with:

It has less than 2 grams of fat, NO saturated fat, trans fat, and NO cholesterol (because it's not made with animal products) and has 3g of sugar. On top of that, it tastes amazing, has a ton of heart healthy vitamins (including vitamin b-12), AND omega 3's in it! In all one glass has only 70 calories! It's a winner.

My other new favorite item this week is:
I have tried a lot of different brands of veggie burgers, but this one is the BEST! It takes like a real burger, is soo filling, yummy, and doesn't fall part if you grill it (always a plus). Not to mention it has 100 calories per patty, has 14g of non-GMO soy protein and has only 2 g of fat with NO Trans or sat fat. I like to put it on 100% wheat thin bread with spinach leaves, tomato, onion, and avocado with a dab of mustard. It's AMAZING! 

But don't take my word for it..go try it, and let me know what you think! Have a lovely weekend and go get a soy pumpkin spice latte for me!
                    Keep Walkn' in His Grace, <3 Michelle

p.s. My pants are officially BIG! Tomorrow I'm off to buy a belt!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 15!! Half-way there!

Day 15 symbolizes that I am officially at the halfway mark! Halfway!! Being at the halfway mark is definitely was easier than being at day one or two…those days were tough. But, Day 15 is good. So, good in fact that I’m feeling:

1. Energized. How energized? Well, I no longer have a cup of coffee in the morning or hot tea to get me going, and I no longer stop and grab one half way through my day to keep me going. I have this natural, endless energy! (My sleeping hours have also stayed the exact same way)

2. I feel lighter. More flexible. More free. (I know it sounds so stupid but it’s true!!)

3. My skin is glowing and I no longer have tired looking eyes in the morning.

4. My hair and nails won’t stop growing!!! It’s insane!

5. I sleep better at night. More soundly, and wake up feeling refreshed not tired.

6. I have better workouts and I can swim and bike farther.

7. I’m losing weight, and my clothes are getting a little bit looser!

8. I have found my taste buds don’t crave meat really anymore..but they still always crave chocolate! (not sure that will ever go away!)

9. I feel Good!!
So, there you have it! My journey is moving right along, and so far I’m so impressed by the results I’m finding by eating a plant-based diet! I am experimenting with all new foods I never even knew were out there, and each day I’m continuing my research and growing as a person! How’s your vegan challenge going? Let me know! In the mean time, check out this website..
It’s my all time new fav! Happy Monday…and Godbless!

                           Keep Walkn’ In His Grace, <3 Michelle

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Journey continues on!

Detailed blog coming tomorrow! The journey continues and I'm learning so much! Can't wait to share it with you all!!